The template shouldn’t matter at all. I happen to use Simple Inches most times.
cube.dwg (281.0 KB)
@ziggystardog try importing that. It’s a 3’ cube at the origin.
OK, now I am just mad. I cannot import the simple cube. Blank Import Results and then failure window. Maybe I should reinstall SketchUp? But I never got 2021 to work either. Not sure what to do.
Can you say if you are still trying a plugin, or the normal File/Import option? I think we’re all using the normal import.
One thing to check, are the DWGs in an iCloud folder? Those can fail.
Using SketchUp import
OK, I do have all the files in the iCloud folder. But the cube.dwg is just in downloads, not iCloud
The folder you tunnel into still shows a cloud icon. If you go through the same path in Finder, do any of the folders or files along the way show this icon?:
At the very least, copy the cube DWG to your local desktop, and see if that works.
I have copied all files to my local drive and I get the same failure
In system preferences>Security and Privacy> Files and Folders> does SkechUp have access? Grasping at straws.
Full disk access, but I appreciate your thinking
Related idea… If you make any geometry at all in SketchUp, and export that as DWG, does it import ok?
The thinking is that a folder that SketchUp had permission to export to should read in ok. If it does import, that could still mean some sort of permissions issue to your downloads and other places.
Could it be a graphic issue, AMD cards have been known to do some very strange things.
Is there an option to update the drivers on a mac or is that all done inhouse?
Well that’s interesting. I created a simple box house and exported it as a DWG/DXF and SketchUp 2022 crashed.
Things are simpler for macOS. I don’t think any AMD Mac user ever had to touch drivers.
Open SketchUp and send in the bugsplat that appears.
I sent in the Bug Splat
Something in the DWG translator is FUBAR? I’d be tempted to re-install. @ziggystardog did you say this failed in your earlier 21 install as well? Do you still have 21 running? Try to import the cube with that?
Yes, but haven’t there been cases where the AMD driver didn’t work with certain Mac OS’s? The upsidedown dimensions? For example Or am I remembering wrong.
Lots of that happened with Nvidia, not so much with AMD.
Upside down dimensions was certainly a mac thing, went with an OS upgrade I thought, right Colin??