Import/Export AutoCAD to SketchUp

If I can’t convert files to/from SketchUp reliably, then this program is useless to me. Why can’t we all just get along? I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on AutoCAD. I want to be able to use SketchUp. And yet I am again having trouble converting files. I cannot convert on my desktop version 2022, perhaps due to the fact that my computer is older. I have no idea and there is already a thread here that tried solving that problem. My solution has been to use SketchUp for Web which seemed to work until now. I am only getting the smallest bits of info from what is meant to be a full plan of a large industrial building.

Didn’t you raise this issue a while back (Importing AutoCAD files - #14 by Box)?

I thought you found a workaround by using the web version to convert files.

Now that is not working for me either. I tried importing what I know to be a large AutoCAD drawing of an industrial building. I need to convert both the ground floor and second floor plans. The most that appears are a few shapes. I have zoomed extents to confirm.

Post the dwg here so someone else can import and confirm what you are seeing.

Note that if the DWG comes from an user of AutoCad Architecture or one of its siblings, it might consist of special objects proprietary to that “vertical” version of AutoCad, and unreadable by any other application. These add-ons (architecture, civil…) have a special “Export to AutoCad” command that creates a file with these special objects converted to standard AutoCad 2D or 3D geometry.

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AVI-Sheet - A120 - BUILDING PLAN LEVEL 02.dwg (331.4 KB)
These are the two AutdoCAD files that I have been unable to convert. I am using the latest SketchUp 2022

I’ve imported them into one model for you and pasted the reports to show what hasn’t been imported.
dwg imports box.skp (1.2 MB)

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OK, thank you very much. It appears I will need to do a lot of cleanup on the file, but it is better than the nothing I was getting before.

I am having the opposite problem now. For a different project, I need to export my SketchUp 2022 file into a 2D dwg. The one export that went through is only one level when viewed on AutoDesk Viewer website. So clearly I need to set tags and views for each of two levels and the roof. Right? I have tried multiple times and keep failing. My file is 47.6 MB so I can’t upload it here.