Importing Autocad files. Not happy

Congrats SU you have just taken away many learning experiences for my CAD students. Now that we cannot import CAD drawings using SU I cannot extend my CAD assignments to a 3D experience for my students. Importing into SU. Pulling walls. Getting a 3D experience with Architecture design. I used to be able to do this with my Architecture CAD students but SU has decided they want more money from me–an education facility–that has budgets and cannot afford this extra cost. So I am exposing LESS students to your product. And, complaining about it MORE.

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Never good to see a feature dropped but rather than see the lack of dwg import as a crippling thing, why not use it for more of your work rather than less? Draw your model/layout from scratch in SU and you’ll learn even more than bringing in an (often troublesome) dwg, imo.

I don’t understand: you are talking about a removed feature. DWG import has never been a part of any free versions of SketchUp. I also understand that schools can use a lab license of SketchUp Pro that has that feature.

I tried an import in SketchUp for Schools, and still it lists DWG and DXF. An import seemed to work.

Perhaps you could show us what you are seeing since SketchUp for Schools does allow .dxf and .dwg file import.

What grades are you teaching Architecture and CAD for?

If you’re teaching Higher ED, ie university level, and not K-12, then you should point your students to the reduced price Pro Desktop version sold through resellers such as Creation Engine.. The benefits of using the Desktop version for complex architectural design and drafting extend beyond DWG import/export and include use of extensions, PreDesign and LayOut - Just to name a few.

While it may be less ideal to pass the charge to them, in University, it’s not unexpected that students cover their own tuition, books, lab fees, etc.