Import dxf file

Hey everybody,

I am trying to import a dxf file to sketchup but it comes up this error:

I have the latest pro version.

does anybody have any idea?


Attach the .dxf so someone can check it.

check what happens if trying to open with the free Teigha Viewer f. Windows & Mac OS.

Plan 19.dxf (7.3 KB)

Is that the file that wouldn’t import for you? I had no problem with it.

Plan 10.dxf (9.1 KB)

how about this one?

Do you get this error even with these simple DXF files?

recovered with ‘Teigha Viewer’:

  AcDbViewportTableRecord(30)	Tilemode Viewport corners (-5.83576,-14.3633)..(19.6548,2.41211)	Not within (0,0)..(1,1)	Set to (0,0)..(1,1)
  Audit recovered Database.
  Database header	System Variable "CMLSTYLE"	Invalid	Standard
  AcDbDimStyleTableRecord(27)	Dimtxsty	Object was erased object: (1F5DC30)	Standard
  119 objects audited
  Total errors found during audit 3, fixed 3

Plan 10.DWG2000.dwg (94.9 KB)

yes! I don know why

thanks yes when I change it to dwg it works, but I want to import dxf file and I wanna know what is wrong with the dxf file

what is wrong with your DXF file is denoted above.

changing to DWG is not required, recovering with the ‘Teigha Viewer’ and saving in the DXF format works pretty similar… because it’s simply the same content (DXF is the text format, DWG is the binary format).

The error may be because the .dxf defines a block INSERT, but the BLOCK definition is empty.

The missing block in question is named “W-3-0” - does that mean anything to you? It is on the “doors” layer. maybe export the .dxf as an earlier version than AC2000 and try again.

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