"I'm a beginner in SketchUp and need help creating a 3D model. If I provide a photo of what I want to make, could someone guide me on how to

**“I’m a beginner in SketchUp and need help creating a 3D model. If I provide a photo of what I want to make, could someone guide me on how to create it in SketchUp?”

We can most likely help you.

What version of SketchUp are you using? The correct information is important so we know what tools you have available. Your profile says “Free Plan” “sktchup pro 22”. Does that mean you are using a cracked version of SketchUp 2022?

You steal the software and come back to the forum of the owner to help using it? Are you sane?
I seriously don’t understand. You are the umpteenth person lately who is such an “non smart” (the word starting with i would be the right here)…
Stand in the corner and be ashamed! :rage:


i need to test this software fast then, I will go for the paid version

To test, you can use the online free plan.

If that goes well, you can then upgrade to Pro.

Using a cracked version is still illegal.

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A man walks into a car dealership. “So, I stole a car off your back lot a couple nights ago, but it turns out it’s a manual transmission and I don’t know how to drive it. Any chance one of you guys wants to teach me to drive stick? If you do a good job I’ll consider paying for a car next time that I need one!”

…see how that sounds?


“Just say no to crack” :rofl: