Icons scales on SU window

Hi all:
Just bought a new laptop Dell 15 (7000 series). installed SU and it seems the icons of the plugins and the red close button are very small and hard to see. Other icons are fine. (on the pics down)
Tried the screen resolution and zooming but it is not working. this is only happening with SU.

Any Ideas please?

To support high resolution screens, the native toolbar icons in SketchUp have been assigned vector icons which can be scaled without being pixelated.

But, the icons for the extensions still use raster images which do not scale for your display. Therefore it makes it just small.

I have not seen a workaround this yet. This is not your specific machine, just to all high resolution screens.

Go to windows – Preferences – workspace
click on :point_up:
:white_check_mark: Use large tool buttons

it will still be small compare to the native icons.

and I thought the screenshot shows icons already large. - I may be wrong here though.

Thank u all for the replies. Yes, it is true the large tool buttons wont solve the issue as the buttons already large.

I found in one post of the Microsoft Community that is all about the 4K display sitting that affects the size of the icons.
I reduced the resolution to be 1920x1080 and it solved the problem. Thanks to all

This is the post reference:


Perhaps that solves the problem. But that is system-wide change which will effect all other applications and windows. It is the tail wagging the dog.

I personally wouldn’t change my display to 1080p since I paid more for better display on my machine and small icons doesn’t effect me a great deal. If things are changed from 4k to 1080p, other application’s icons will look huge. I would mind that more so than smaller icons on SketchUp.

However, none of that matters if your personal preference is otherwise.

The 1001 toolbar small and large button png files are 16x16 and 24x24 px respectively.
This is the recommended image sizes in the API docs for earlier SketchUp versions - but in >=v2016 SVG files can be used and scale without loss of definition to either button size.
However is the recent versions you can specify larger png sizes which scale down.
So can I recommend you try a few tests and see what happens.
Open C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins\1001bit_pro\icons folder.
Make a copy of the align_l.png and align_s.png files.
Delete the align_s.png
Rename the align_l - Copy.png as align_s.png
Now that particular button will use a larger image when SketchUp is restarted.

If the buttons are now large enough consider using a batch process to copy/rename all of the png images in that folder - there are 58 !

Always keep copies of your files in case you mess up !

If you want them even bigger consider trying a scaled up image to test [say 32 or 48px?], and if that’s better using a batch Gimp or PhotoShop operation to scale them all up.

Currently I have many toolbars using 32px and 64px PNG images for < 2016 and a 64px SVG for the latest SketchUp.
These scale down to fit and always look crisp and fill the whole button area…