I have all my projects saved on Trimble Connect (at least 10). 2 weeks ago they disappeared. Can anybody help?

I have all my projects saved on Trimble Connect (at least 10). 2 weeks ago they disapered. . Can anybody help? Only one old unfinishet project is left

What version of SketchUp are you actually using? Your profile says you are using 2017 Make. Is that correct? Or are you using a web-based version?

Most commonly when users say their files have disappeared on Trimble Connect it turns out they are signing in with a different email address than they had been using. Or they are looking only at the Recent files and not all of the files, or they are looking on a different server. In any case the files have not been deleted.

I am using SketchUp Pro, annual subscription SKP-PRO-YR-WEB-01

Fix your forum profile. It’s clearly wrong.

So you’ve been working in SketchUp Go? The web based version included with the Pro subscription?

I have tried to use other email adresses that I have used in the past. but they arr all rejected.
I have had earlier versions of sketchup registrered on other e-males. Ive been using the web version for copple of years now.

yes I have

It`s called Sketchup for Web. Not Go SKP-PRO-YR-WEB-01

The web version included with a Pro subscription is called SketchUp Go

Please update your forum profile.

Could you be trying to open from a different region?

You appear to have a Pro subscription using the email that you use in the forum, and you have a Go subscription with an email that starts with ‘0208eytor’.

Check to see which of the two you were sign in for the last two weeks.

I have upgraded my profile now

I have searched in all of them with no luck

How do I check the log for sketchup sign in ?

If you are using the desktop version you can look at the Help menu. That should show which email address you are sign in under.

Hi I am back :slight_smile: Still no results! I’ve tried to log in with 0208eytor@gmail.com
I did send this link to a custommer for a skethup viewer a month ago.

I have also tried to log in with this e-mail : eytor1954@icloud.com but no luck
I am desperate now

I am signed in with post@eytor.no

Please remove your e-mail addresses from your posts - it is against the forum guidelines to post them and you will be spammed when bots discover them. Everything you post here is public. You can use personal messages to converse with @colin .

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In the browser, go to connect.trimble.com and sign in with the gmail address.
Then go to the account administration using the ‘chocolate’ menu on the top right, next to the person icon.
Here, you can quickly see the various projects that are created for both accounts ( I added the gmail account as company admin to the other account)


Check how many file each project has and then invite the other email address to the projects, so you will have access to all projects, regardless of how you are signed in.