I accidentally zoomed out my model and can't go back


After I pressed shift z, my model zoomed out like billions away that even extents and other utilities won’t work. Can you help me how can I fix this? This is my final project in design, it’s deadline and I could not afford to lose this. Thankyou very much

Share the file and I’ll help you get it sorted.

What version of SketchUp? There is no Classic 2024.

Hi, I’m not sure what Sketchup is this but it says here Sketchup 2024. Can you help me look what might be the problem? I can’t drop the file, the file is too big?

Either you have a Pro or Studio subscription. You would know based on what you paid.

I said I would.

Upload the file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

I can share it to we transfer, can I have your email

Just post the link to the file here.

I’m sorry I’m just new to these platforms. Thanks for your patience. Here’s the link: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

Please fix your forum profile while I work on your model. Also correct the operating system.

You had a few tiny bits of geometry located at a great distance form the model. I deleted those entities so the model shows with Zoom Extents. I also fixed incorrect tag usage. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged.

I also purged unused content from the model. There is no reason to be hoarding all those unused components and materials. They just bloat your file.

This reduced the file size by more than 72%.

Goodmorning! I just woke up, thankyou very muchhh

You’re welcome. Now that you are wake take a moment to correct your forum profile for us. That information is helpful when it’s right and gets in the way of giving you help when it’s not.

How can I change this?

Click on the K in the green circle at the top right of the forum. Then the person icon followed by Preferences, and Profile. Put the right license stype, and operating system in the appropriate fields. Scroll to the bottom of the page and save the changes.

Done! Thanks

Please take care of the operating system, too. It should be Windows 10 or Windows 11 not " AMD RYZEN 7".