How would I download a lot of models?

Hello there,

I need all models from a one person. I could download them manually, but there’s a lot. By “a lot” I mean a lot a lot

If it’s possible, how would I do that?

There isn’t any way to mass download files from the 3D Warehouse.

Maybe you could contact the author and ask them to share their files with you via DropBox or something.

Well, I though of that, so now I am completely sure that I have no choice but just download manually, because I think the author isn’t online since 2018… Thanks anyways

What kind of models are they that you need so many from one author?

I am actually importing some to roblox to be honest…

You might want to have a look at the terms of use for the 3D Warehouse. Sounds like you’re aggregating content and that isn’t permitted. Best to get some legal counsel if something isn’t clear so you can avoid trouble.

Haven’t thought of that since I’ve seen some sketchup car models in roblox.

That might be. Maybe the people who uploaded them created them. Maybe they did what you are talking about doing; scavenging from the 3D Warehouse. Personally, scavenegers and aggregators like you are one of the reasons I won’t share my models in the 3D Warehouse.

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I know, it’s people’s hard work, but I am not very good at modeling and not trying to say it’s mine models, I could also credit the people who made the models,

Also, I don’t make them “public” like a free model, I am using it for personal use,

I don’t think those are excuses for what you are proposing.

Do you really have a subscription to SketchUp 2022 Pro? Would you want your models distributed without your knowledge? Why don’t you take the high road? Contact the author whose models you are wanting to scavenge and suggest that they share them on Roblox. If they choose to do that, everything should be fine.

Then you don’t need to put them on Roblox since you should be using them in SketchUp 2022. You have access when you need them through the Warehouse.

Okay, but what should I do with models that were created by people who aren’t online anymore or don’t want to chat?

Give them a pass.

If you’d learn to use SketchUp probably you could make your own models and not have to rely on others.

Do you even have Sketchup Pro?