I made 2 scene … first scene is without dimension then in the next scene i made in the same object but in different camera also adding a dimension … my plan is the first scene without dimension and the second same scene with the dimension. it makes me headache because what happened is the first scene follow the second one added with the dimension. Please anybody help me to solve this. Thank you very much.
Tag the dimension and hide that tag in the scene you don’t want the dimension.
Ok i’ll try… thanks for your suggestion
May I suggest creating a group with all your dimensions and then tagging that group instead of tagging each dimension individually.
To select all dimensions quickly, follow this procedure:
1 - Open Model Info → Dimensions;
2 - Click on the button labeled Select all dimensions;
3 - Right click on any highlighted dimension and choose Create a group;
Then you can assign the hidden tag to that group and finaly update the scene.