How to reduce file size

Can someone help me to reduce my SU file. Currently I converted .stp file to .skp, but file size becomes too big. (too many triangulated faces when I check the statistics). Is there a way to reduce my file from 50mb to 5mb or lower??

I work with imported .stp files regularly. There are some methods of cleaning the imported file but the biggest effect on file size is the initial degree of tessellation or detail in the conversion. How are you converting the .stp to .skp?

Universal Importer | SketchUcation

Skimp | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

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I just convert it via online. Is there any other conversion tool that can fix it?

Once your file is in .skp there are a few small things you can do. Using an extension like CleanUp3 can merge coplaner faces which may see some savings, and then the standard display tricks of keeping profiles off and hiding unneeded edges can help the file run smother but won’t change its size.

As far as I know the universal importer does not handle step files, it claims to but returns an error and fails to import in my experience. I sent the errors to the author long ago but don’t think it’s been fixed.

For many years I have used the sim lab step importer extension. It’s a paid extension, and has recently moved to a subscription model for a yearly price. However if you deal with step files on a regular basis as I do it’s worth the cost. The import process is very reliable and includes user set options including a “detail” slider that allows you to chose the level of tessellation.

Skimp is super useful, but as the SimLab importer has adjustment I rarely need to use skimp.

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I try to install the cleanup extension file. however after downloading from extension warehouse and installing it, I did not show on my extension menu. the extension manager said it was installed already. I also try restarting SU, but still it didn’t work.

I recently used to convert a STP file.

From there you could use the open source MeshLab program ( to import and reduce the number of polygons.

MeshLab can import the following formats:

Once in Meshlab you can do the following to reduce the number of polygons and simplify the mesh.

I then chose to export a DXF and then import that into Sketchup. In this example I show both a 78% reduction (22% retained) as well as a 98% reduction (2% retained). If materials are involved, you might need to play around with the other export options.

Note, MeshLab does not have an Undo, so you want to make a copy of the original mesh as I do, so you can play with settings until you get the desired results.

I’ve used this technique to reduce poly counts on nice looking assets I find in the 3D warehouse.


On a related note, being that MeshLab is open source, would it be possible for SU or a plugin to incorporate some of it’s features and just attribute credit as needed per the License Agreement?

It would be really nice to have the Re-meshing, Simplification, and Reconstruction options available directly inside of SU as well as many of the other powerful features it offers.

This would make dealing with the size of downloaded assets soooooo much better, where you could quickly increase or reduce the poly count as needed for each entity.

The main thing I love about MeshLab is how fast it processes the modifications with very little lag. It would be awesome if that speed of processing increases or reductions in poly count can be maintained in SU.