Hi! Could anybody say how to import to SU’s model UV coordinates from any other external UV mapping software? Tried to use SketchUV plugin which, as I understood, it can do such a task, but it doesn’t.
This category is for discussion and requests for tutorials.
I read your original post as a request for a tutorial to be written on how to import / unwrap UV coordinates / textures for all or any external UV mapping software, and then import into SketchUp.
It is such a general and complex request that it may be quite some time until some UV guru decides to take this project on and completes such a tutorial and posts it (in the parent Tutorials category.)
If it is a question that you wish answered more promptly, please reassign this topic thread to the main SketchUp category and I would suggest being a bit more specific as to the external “UV mapping software”. Then, you’d be likely to receive an answer much sooner.
To all readers … please pay attention to each category’s pinned “About” post that explains what each category is for.