How to edit this dimension?

Hey there! Im putting my hands again on Layout, and on the dimensions atyle part, i cannot find a way to edit, or, remove, this part of a dimension?

and on the other hand, this dimension is quite small, i cant find a way to make it fit into the lines to display it like the other dimension above. Ih other words i would like to edit it like on sketchup, alling on a side, etc.


For the extension lines change the End Arrow length as below …
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 6_56_05 AM

Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 6_56_24 AM

… or change the End Arrow to the top one in the list.
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 6_58_13 AM

After you edit the extension lines at both ends for one dimenion, get the eye dropper tool, sample that edited dimension, and then apply that to the rest of the dimensions that you want to match.

As for the tiny dimension, you can change the text position to above the dimension line or you can enable leaders and choose from curved, one-segment, or two segment. One segment is shown in the middle here.

You can double click into the dimension and move the text box as needed.

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Great! Thank you so much! I will take profit of your kindness with one more question as i can see you are good at this layout stuff ! Is there a way to set the quotes just in units? let say… instead of 940 mm, just “940”? (decimal)

So you mean just the number an no units? That can be done in Dimension Style. Top right button in the panel.
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 8_35_43 AM

If you want to put quote marks around the dimension text you would need to add them manually.

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it was right below my eyes :grin: Thank you so much!

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