Hi! I’m using sketchup web, it is very a good app!!!
I have one big problem: I’m drawing separate things that are sharing the same line, for example: if I want to draw two hose that are join by a wall, I have the shared wall that can be present only in one tags.
So when I hide that layers, the other house remain without a wall! That is very boring…
How can I assign the same line, solid, etc., to two tags?! Or, if it is not possible, how I can draw two identical line, one for each tags?! When I try to do this, sketchup do not draw the second line and it says that it is on the hide layer, and when I unhide the hide layer, my line was not draw!
Set Untagged as the active. Start with the first part. Once you have it created the geometry for it, select that geometry, right click on it and choose Make Group. Then move on to modeling the next part. When it is modeled, select its geometry right click and choose Make Group. Continue on in the same way. If you want to control the visibility of the groups you can assign tags to them and then turn them off and on as desired.
Groups and components are containers that hold geometry. They also provide separation and prevent geometry sticking to other geometry.
Here are examples:
A bunch of geometry drawn, selected and right click. Choose Make Group or Make Component.
Here is a component selected. Entity Info shows the tag assigned to it as ‘Rails’.
By the way, as nice as it is to see your model with materials applied to it, I would suggest that you wait until the model is complete or nearly complete to add them. They can mask problems with the geometry and make it more difficult to do your modeling work.