How to draw curved sofa!

Hi! I work for an interior design firm and we are trying to add certain sofas to the program but 3D warehouse doesn’t have exact ones, so we are resorting to drawing them. Does anyone have tips on how to draw the sofas attached. I have tried to use Bevel and haven’t been able to achieve the right look. Really need help!

Personally for this type of modeling I rely on the following plugins, Quadface Tools,Vertex Tools and SubD. You also might check out this thread on the sketchUcation forum. Alvis is a master at furniture and shows a lot of his processes.

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Have you tried searching by image? This is what came up for me. Agreed, they’re not exact. Looks like a good excuse to practice some organic modeling. Artisan is another extension (paid) that can subdivide and smooth quad or triangulated meshes.


Yes I have tried doing image search! But we are really trying to show the clients what we are actually presenting them in sketchup.

Awesome thanks. Do you have tips on how to use those tools. I have tried a lot of tools but nothing is coming out how I want it.

Mind sight studios’ Bevel is also a great tool for this.

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Just saw that you tried Bevel in your original question. Do you want to post the .skp file that you have so far? I can take a stab at it.

Unfortunately quad and subdivision modeling in SU is a pretty deep hole to dive into. I’d suggest if you go forward with this is to search YouTube for videos that pertain to the various plugins you decide to use. It also helps to have as many reference images including dimensions that you can get your hands on.

See this SU file for ideas. I did that quickly without explanations. I used TrueBend for the curved parts.

Sofa.skp (2.8 MB)

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Oh wow thank you so much! Did you only use true blend?

Just a quick example.Worked off the image you posted. Quad Face Tools, Vertex Tools and SubD.


That looks great! Do you happen to have a video of how you did that. Just looking for a walk through because I have never used these tools before, and looking to present to client next week!

also attached is the tear sheet to the sofa.

This is also another sofa I’m trying to draw.

Unfortunately doing videos is not in my skill set.

TrueBend yes. Everything else was done with native tools.

If you have a lot of time on your hand, you can do that only with native tools, but plugins are real time savers.

You must basically make a low poly version of the sofa, the model must be made mostly of quads, otherwise when you use subD all the polygons that aren’t quads, the plugin will triangulate and you’ll
have weird results.
Here I leave a video from @JustinTSE that explains the basics of quad face modeling.

As an idea, if you learn about quads and subdivision (click to see the video)


Put that beauty on 3D Warehouse! :wink:


Thank you, Eric!

I had created the model just to show him an idea of ​​how he could create it, but now that you wrote to me, I will prepare it better to publish the low poly version, ready for SketchUp and LayOut, in 3D Warehouse, and a more detailed version for Fab . com.
I’m working on both, to be proper assets, UV unwrapped and UV mapped.