How to copy a Tag folder and tag layers in it to another file

I want to copy a model from one file to another file. The source file has the model organized into various tag files with tag layers in them. When I copy the model group from the source file and paste it into another file, only the tag modeling layers appear, not the organizing tag folders they were in. This creates a mess as all the organization of the tag modeling layers are lost. I am looking to preserve this organization when I copy a grouped object from one file to another.

Am I doing something wrong and/or is there a way to move tag folders and there enclosed tag layers to another file??


Why donā€™t you just copy the whole file to a new name (Save Asā€¦) and then edit what you donā€™t want?

That is a good approach when I have a master start file.

But, more often, I am pulling grouped model parts from different files into one project file ā€“ so I cannot always start a project from a file since it will not have everything I need in it already.

For example ā€“ I have different architectural building types in different SU files. I also have different context files like city, town, rural, etc., that I use for context. So depending on the project, I select the context file to start and then add to it the building type (start) model from one of the other files. I would need to have dozens of permutations to have every possible combination of a building type and environment to have one start file with all the tags organized into their respective folder tags. . .

That is why I am looking for a work-around to move fairly complex models from their own folders into a new, single folder while keeping their folder tags in place.

Thanks for the through though.

I think I have understood. Here I create three groups, one for each box and one for the combined boxes. I name them Tag1, Tag2, Tag3. I create a Tag Folder for them.

Then I select the main group, copy it and paste it into a new file. The three tags are retained but the folder isnā€™t.

Seems to be the way it works. I canā€™t think of a way of copying the folder without using my original suggestion.

Yes ā€“ That is exactly the challenge!

It seems like a feature failure of the tags if you cannot move a group with its tag structure completely intact ā€“ a model could get messy real fast if it has lots of tag folders with tags in them and then they are lost when copied to a new file.

Thanks for thinking about a work-around!

Anyone working on a script/plugin for this??? Would be incredible if native, but seems like I need a million plugs anyway.


This ability to import, export and merge TAG FOLDERS across Sketchup project file is to me a standard requirement.

Similar feelings from my SketchUp clients aswell.

Anyone creating an extension or a possible feature in core SketchUp Pro and Studio please? :speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:


importexport.rbz (1.1 KB)

Iā€™ve banged together a little extension to help with this - after jamsog asked.
I may as well drop it here for anybody else to come across


Im.passing it within ā€¦ thank you.

Would it be possible to update this plugin?

The export/import function is not working for colors and images added to Tags. Also, the line type is not being exported/imported by the plugin.
I searched for a similar plugin, but this is the only one that exists. So if you could update, I would really appreciate it! Well, I use colors and lines a lot in my process. And an update like this would help a lot!


Unfortunately there is a limitation, the SketchUp Ruby API currently does not allow us to assign images/material (or retrieve the assigned material) to the tags. Only the ā€˜averageā€™ color can be retrieved/set, but this also restricted to RGB without alpha channel (opacity of tag can not be retrieved/set by Ruby).

The dashes can be doneā€¦
I Did not checked soo deeply the extension above, butā€¦perhaps:
You can copy objects from original model to new one with the assigned properly painted/dashed tags, then the extension can restore the tag-folder structureā€¦

Ah, so that must be why the SketchUp Team hasnā€™t fixed this ā€œbugā€ so far. I believe it is not that simple to update the SketchUp Ruby APIā€¦

I did a quick test, and yes, it is possible to copy and paste an object to import the colors/images/dashes and then use the plugin to import the folders.



Having the same issue - fairly recent to learning about using tags and been working on a house extension where the extension is a component that I reload into the master file. Iā€™ve realised that when I re-arrange tag structure and re-import this generates new tags without the folders and now the master file is messy. Would be good if this was addressedā€¦

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Totally agree

Any news on a possible exporter importer for TAG Folder and nested tags for Skp Standards
Compliance? I bit like the good ole CAD STANDARDS in Autocad world?

Any such animal?

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Just keeping this thread alive in the hopes the people from Sketchup see this and make it an update.

It would be very useful to have the tag file structure carry over when importing a model into a new project.

Have you made a template that has the tags and folders you want and then use this to start new models?

IIRC if you bring in a component with Tags that match the template file they will not be duplicated, and any new tags will be created and preserved based on the imported component or model.

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That is a good work around. The example I posted is just one machine. Every job is a little different and will use different machines, I have around 30 machines in my library so to add a file and tags for every machine before I even start would add a lot of unnecessary bloat if I only end using one.

Here is a project with lots of tags I wouldnā€™t want to have an additional or unused tags and files if it can be helped.

I have a template with many tags, but if Iā€™m doing timber frame shop drawings I delete all the architectural tags I donā€™t need once I get into the project. Same goes for if Iā€™m working on a small building - Iā€™ll delete all the extra stuff I donā€™t need, or even better, just move it to an ā€˜unusedā€™ folder.

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Small thing, tag folders are a visual thing in SU, they donā€™t actually exist like tags do.

If you import / copy stuff, the tags will come with, not the tag folders.

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