Copy and paste tag folders?

Is there an extension or a way to copy and paste tag folders? Or to save and load Tag Folder presets? I know how to make a template, but it would be cool to be able to grab a set of Tags.

For example, it’d be cool if I could drag and drop this Quantifier folder set into any project.
bandicam 2022-01-22 22-04-53-043

Note: If no one has any suggestions, could this topic be placed in the feature requests category?

You could set up a template that includes all the tags and tag folders so they’d already exist when you start a new project.

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The only other way would be to create a group for each tag you want to “copy” and assign one tag to that group. Once you have at least one group for each tag you can copy the groups, paste them into another file and delete the groups. The tag-structure will have been copied with the groups and will not disappear because the groups have been deleted.

That’s how I do it when I have an existing project and want to “update” it to a new tagging structure without redoing everything.

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Objects do bring their tags with them, but unfortunately tag folders do not copy-paste into a new file along with the tags.

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You appear to be are absolutely right! Dang! :raised_hands:

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Indeed, and I have. But now I need to add new stuff that wasn’t in the template.

New “stuff”? What “stuff”?

New tags. Such as the ones I’ve described.

I’m just trying to figure out how to avoid the tedious repetitiveness of making 80 tags the ol fashioned way.

Add the tags to your template and save it. Then copy the existing file over to a new one using the updated template.

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EXACTLY! @eneroth3 , why haven’t you updated the scene importer of your to work with tag folders by now? This is frustrating, this is something that SKETCHUP or a developer needs to do. Eneroth you literally have exactly what we need here in this case if you could just allow your plugin to work with tag folders the import view plugin… This is something that Sketchup needs for sure. Otherwise tag folders are somewhat useless in some instances…

I have a template sketchup file and it has perfectly dialed scenes in sketchup that show up in my layout viewports without me having to do any manual camera work. For example, I have sketchup scenes that view objects that are always a similar size, therefore the objects will always fit into my carefully crafted layout viewport pefectly and in the right position once I model the object. This means it requires no manual rework of camera setup in sketchup to finally export properly in my layout viewports. So in my case, I can simply model the object to the correct size that I need in sketchup and layout viewports are perfectly ready to go once I’ve modelled the object. A major issue here that @eneroth3 needs to finish solving already (it’s been so long this has gone on since my original request)…; is that when I add more (new) tags to my template sketchup file, that works, but what about when I have multiple templates with the same tagging structure but different scene structure? I can copy the object over from one template to another but now the tags are all out of wack if there are new ones they don’t import into the correct folder position. I guess this is a minor pain however in some instances in my case it’s a BIG pain. I should be able to export and import my scenes into any other sketchup file INCLUDING exporting and importing tags into any file and they stay in the same position/folder. How manual these programs still are knowing that they are primarily targeted towards building designers/professionals is super frustrating… I’d like to see someone do something about these things, this is so basic for people who use templates.

For professionals using templates, we should have been able to carry tagging structures and scenes structures over to any other file without all this manual rework hastle. After awhile, when there are so many manual things about sketchup and layout to keep track of, it just becomes more and more of a liability for the professionals using these programs. Some simple improvements here could go a long way and create way less headache for the ones using the programs seriously. Basic template crossover, really simple idea here that many programs allow already… Don’t even get me started on revisioning in these programs…


Why aren’t you setting up your tag structure in your SU template?

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That’s exactly what I’m doing.

The issue is when you have multiple sketchup templates that all have the same structure but their own specific scenes carefully setup in each file.

What’s the issue? I’m still confused. Your SU template should have all your scenes preset with all appropriate tags visibility saved per scene.


That’s a neat workaround, I could make a set of tag templates for different situations and then just copy a model into the new template, thus retaining the tags I have made whilst working, and adding the new tags I need for specific workflows.

I had no need for such things.
Every project had different tag requirements and I haven’t really established a workflow, but now it’s starting to come together and I am grasping what I need- until I need something else…

Would the tags carry over into a blank model when I copy/paste even if they aren’t assigned to the objects I’m pasting?
If not, and the need arises that I have to add multiple “tag sets” to a model, I’ll find myself needing to copy and paste my model into a new template, then I’ll need to assign the tags to a bunch of random objects I’ll have to create, then copy and paste my model into another template.
If they do carry over without being assigned to anything, that would remove a great deal of complexity.

Pfft, I’m nowhere NEAR being that organized. That’s a lot to think through, it would probably be different every time since I don’t organize my model the same way every time. I hardly ever use layout, and frankly don’t know it very well, but I’d like to.

Templates help you avoid the concern of importing a model. Once you are consistently using a standard tag setup, it’s a non issue. It will save you so much time on every project. The same goes for Layout. It just means you need to be consistent in your workflow.


I suppose I could get a handle on the setup, but I have no idea where to begin seeing that I’ve never created a complete set of CDs.

In my case Nic it’s creating construciton details. The details whether a roof or wall or floor detail are always the same size for each detail type, they have to be the same size so they fit nicely into my layout viewports where I have borders around each detail perfectly laid out on my cds. This means each detail has different views and camera angles, yet all of the details and detail types share the same tagging structure. So I have a floor template, a wall template, a roof detail template, etc.

I keep experimenting, learning and evolving, so my layers/tags have never settled down to where they’re always the same for every project. In addition, there are almost always design alternatives that are project specific and come and go along the way.

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Ahh yes, details are a different animal. What I do is create, as an example, a window detail. It has multiple tags to control different combinations of materials and trim. This allows a single detail to have many options creating dozens of details from a single file. When I first created my library it was before tag control was available in LO. So now what works great, using the window detail as an example, it technically only needs 6 scenes…Head, jamb stool (exterior) and head, jamb, sill (interior). It is still a template that uses a tag structure.

Then in LO you can toggle the required material/trim you need. Once done, you save that detail in specific detail scrapbooks that are all organized and set to the same size. This is how you build on your library. Then it’s just as simple as selecting your window detail scrapbook, scrolling through the pages to find your detail, drag and drop.

My typical project usually has over 100 details. I put my detail sheets together usually over a couple days with most of the time dedicated to specific detail conditions that are new. If I have a project that doesn’t require new details, the process is about 4 hours for 8-10 “D” sheets.