How to activate Sketchup Pro after purchase from Trimble?
Login to your SketchUp account.
What version of SketchUp are you using? Your profile says 2017 Pro.
Hey Anssi , where can I get that SketchUp Account? I have only gotten email of my Trimble account after purchasing Sketchup Pro 2022.
Dave, I just purchased Pro 2022
The same.
Under my products section of the Trimble account, its only showing SketchUp Free, not Pro for some reason.
But in My Plan Settings, it shows I have Sketchup Pro annual plan. So I don’t get it.
Please correct your profile.
Sign out of SketchUp and then sign back in.
How do I correct my profile it says Sketchup 2017 in my profile
I do have Sketchup 2017 still installed on my desktop though. Is it that why I’m having launching Pro 2022?
Alright just fixed the issue, Tech Support assigned my subscription to my email. Now Sketchup Pro, shows up under My Products section. I have clicked on download, and it works fine. I signed in and have complete access to to Pro 2022.
Thank you for your help guys!