How could I create something like this chair?

How would I go abut modelling this? Ive managed to draw it but its too blocky and not accurate enough. Would love top recreate the one piece folded design.

Sorry if this is the wrong place, new here.

You could try something like this:


That is amazing, thank you for your help.


It would be more helpful if you would give the name of the plugin you used.

This information is already presented in GIF, you just have to watch it. I especially kept the mouse longer for the name of the tool to be seen.

The plugin is called FredoScale - it’s a well-known and very popular plugin.

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Got it thanks

You’re welcome, droy60!

Another way for those who have Artisan: Tools > Artisan > Crease Selection
Adebeo PushLine
TIG: Mirror v11.0
QuadFace Tools
Fredo6: Joint Push Pull Interactive v4.4e

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How did you extrude the single line? Downloaded. Trial or artisan to give that a go.

Thanks for the help by the way

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I wrote the list of all used plugins in GIF, and direct links to them.


If you missed the Abedeo PushLine, you could use native tools, like Offset and Push/Pull.

Keep in mind that in SketchUp, with plug-ins, if you analyze, you can find several variants to draw the same thing, even with only native tools.

For this type of work, furniture design, I think the Subd plugin is the best solution.

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Cheers. Found that shortly after sending the email. Haha. Thanks again.

I created and uploaded the 3D model (mid-poly) in 3D Warehouse


Wow, that is incredibly generous.


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