How can I create my own collection of items from the 3D warehouse?

I would like to use the same 3D warehouse items in multiple models but not sure how to save them to a file available to me to do this.

Download them into a folder in your local drive space. Name the folder something like: My Frequently Used Models. Then, in SketchUp’s Components tool, click on the right arrow at the top/right:

The following pop up select list should appear:

Click on “Open or create local collection”. Navigate to - and select - the folder you created.

To get to it faster in the future, click the right arrow again, “Add to favorites” will now be enabled - click on it. Going forward, when you click on the down arrow to the right of the home icon:

Your local folder name should appear in the “Favorites” section of the revealed list.

Thank you so very much!
