**Hello, I am making a painted puck component. I am using the subtract tool to cut holes in the main component that will stay. I am able to use the subtract tool to cut out half of the holes I need. However, after that the main component becomes unable to be selected as a solid. I have used solid inspector to fix it until it has no repairs, but it still won’t work with the subtract tool. If I could get some assistance or help identifying the problem that is preventing me from using the subtract tool to create the rest of the holes, that’d be great. Thanks in advance for the help!!
paintedpuck.skp (101.0 KB)
Work on your objects when scaled up by 100x
SketchUp at your scale has problems with edge lengths that are “rather” small.
In the end you can scale down the result again.
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You are on the edge of being too small, although I was able to perform the operation successfully at this scale, some of the faces are pretty small and it’s always a good idea to scale up before this kind of operation that can produce very small faces.
You might consider making your cutting tool a single solid to help speed things up.
paintedpuck 2.skp (113.7 KB)
thanks a ton for the help and future advice!