Hi, can you please help I’m trying to model an airport tower building which is like a conical cylinder shape and then draws circular lines around the surface of the shape where I’ll cut windows and add designs.
I have downloaded and installed tools on a surface plugin which is very impressive but unfortunately the circular lines on the surface I have placed cant follow the slant of the conical shape. If I draw a cylinder without circular lines on the surface I can downscale the top part and make it a conical shape, but If draw circular lines on the surface of the cylinder and downscale I cant achieve my conical shape. I have attached a link with a screenshot of what I’m trying to model, hopefully, my explanation makes sense.
The building I’m trying to model here: https://puu.sh/DtfZg/e84ef8e2f0.png
Also, what will the best way to put windows around the conical shape as I have tried push and pull but tools on the surface plugin don’t allow? Any help I’ll greatly appreciate, thanks in advance.