Conical shape with features

I’m trying to create a control tower that is uniquely shaped like a cone. I thought I could create a 12 sided circle and then scale down the bottom, and while that works on the basic shape, if I add in the various features on the control tower, mainly the windows, the scaling no longer applies from the bottom all the way to the top, but instead only from the bottom to the next line or segment. Is there a way to do this where the entirety of the shape is affected and not just sections of the shape?

To help achieve your goals, some time spent at the SketchUp Campus and at the SketchUp - YouTube channel will be very worthwhile. Both sites are from the SketchUp team. On the YouTube channel, pay attention to the Square One Series. It covers the basics for each tool.

Without plugins, just add planes and intersect with them

With plugins

Follow Dave’s advice first and learn the basics.


Great, thanks. off to give that a try.