Help: Imported Objects (Chair and Shoe) Not Visible in SketchUp but Appear in Enscape

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue with my SketchUp model. I imported a chair and a shoe, but they are not visible in SketchUp. However, they do appear in the Enscape Web Standalone model that I want to share with my client.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  • Checked Hidden Geometry: I made all hidden geometry visible, but the objects still don’t show up.
  • Copied the Model into a New File: Unfortunately, this didn’t solve the problem.
  • Activated All Tags: All tags are turned on, but the objects remain invisible.

Since I can’t see or locate these objects in SketchUp, I’m unable to delete them from my model.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make the objects visible or completely remove them from my SketchUp file?

hello, also check hidden objects in the view menu and see if it appears, hidden geometry will not show any hidden group / component

other ways :

  • delete them through the component panel (after clicking the little house button to show the list of every component loaded in the model), right click on it, select instances and delete)
  • use the outliner panel locate or search by name and right click on the component in the list and delete

Where did you import them from?

Are they proxy objects set for render only?

Is there a materials / object pallet in Enscape that you can check? (I use VRay, not familiar with Enscape).

Can you share a link to the sketchup file? The link you provided takes me to Enscape, where I can’t see any way to download the skp file (I’m not an Enscape user).

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Thank you all for the helpful tips! Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  • @paul.millet: I checked Hidden Objects and Hidden Geometry in the View menu, but it didn’t reveal any hidden groups or components. I also opened the Components panel, clicked the house icon, and reviewed the list of loaded components. Using “Select Instances,” I highlighted and deleted some potential culprits, but the issue persists. I also used the Outliner to search for suspicious groups or components, but I couldn’t locate anything unusual.
  • @bmike: The objects were originally imported from an external CAD file. I’m not sure if they might be proxy objects set for rendering only. I checked the materials and object palette in Enscape, but I didn’t notice anything unusual there.
  • @slbaumgartner: Thanks for pointing that out! I’ve attached the SketchUp file again below. Perhaps someone can take a closer look, as I haven’t been able to resolve the issue myself.

An additional note: The issue only occurs in the web standalone version of Enscape. When rendering normally in Enscape, the problem doesn’t appear.

I’d greatly appreciate any further suggestions or insights. Thanks in advance!

Is this the chair in question?

It’s missing some elements. Probably due to ignored entity types from the CAD file.

I did notice a bunch of incorrect tag usage.

Thank you, @DaveR, for your analysis! Yes, that’s indeed the chair, and I’ll review the CAD import settings to check if certain elements were ignored. I also appreciate the feedback on the tag usage—I’ll take a closer look at that as well.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t helped with the shoes. It seems the imported shoe models are of poor quality and might simply be junk.

One key observation: The issue only occurs in the web standalone version of Enscape. Everything works as expected during normal rendering in Enscape. If anyone has additional ideas on what might be causing this, I’d greatly appreciate your input!

Thanks again to everyone for your support! :blush:

Keep in mind that there are some CAD entities that the importer will ignore. There’s no settings to change that. Try importing the chair into a new SketchUp model and pay attention to the report that is displayed. You might also try changing the Import Units to Meters to see if that results in a better object. If that works, clean it up and resize it. Then replace the chair in the model with the new one.

I expect at least some of the shoes will give you problems in rendering because they have exposed back faces. Here you can see those in green. Fixing the face orientation might take care of a lot of that issue.

Bthe way, please update your forum profile. It says you’re still using SketchUp 2021. If the operating system and graphics card have changed please update that info, too.

Probably should get on with the Enscape folks and have them give a look.