(First time poster. If this is not the correct place, please let me know.)
I have an object I’ve important from here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u79c38cc4-d5a7-470f-99b3-8268a5e2c1fe
The model is a component that contains a group that contains to two complex surfaces. I’m trying to figure out how to cut out a section of the top surface. (Just imagine a square hole just cut into the top section.)
Since it’s a surface, the solid tools won’t work. And since it’s an irregular surface, drawing a normal shape and then deleting is not working.
Is there a trick to this that I can learn?
Thanks for any help or jumping off places.
Sounds like you need to learn about Intersect Faces. Have a look at this page (note: a lot of it is about the pro solids tools, but if you scroll down there is also material about Intersect Faces, which is in all versions of SketchUp):
Fantastic. Thanks for the pointer.
Try something like this. Push/Pul and Intersect with faces:
Take note, though, that component has many nested groups. You will need to enter three groups to get to the actual geometry of the seat.
Ok, tried the tutorial and the intersect faces has no effect, even when I try to leave the component as a group or exploded it out into a surface. Definitely confused.
Any other tips?
Ah, this is perfect! I’ll revisit and watch my steps very carefully because I’m obviously missing one of them.
Thank you!
Be aware that the top “surface” can be easily made into a solid by selecting the all the geometry and making it into a group. SketchUp only detects a “solid” from groups or components that are manifold. In this models case, the lid, when grouped, is manifold => solid. You can see this in the Entity Info box. From this point you can use the Solid tools to cut out a section. You should still become proficient with Intersect with Model as it is a powerful way of merging geometry without solids.
@ChrisDizon, this was the tip I needed: “the top “surface” can be easily made into a solid by selecting the all the geometry and making it into a group”
Thank you (and everyone else) for the assistance!
Good to know that it was helpful.
Tip: You should still become proficient in using the “Intersect” workflow. The “Intersect” solution is manual but it is much more flexible and one does not have to worry about making solids to utilize the feature.