please i need help, this is my first modeling in sketchup, i need to make the cut inside te model, but when i tried i get a notice that said: not a solid object. i donwload the inspector but when i put tells me that i have to fixit manual, i dont know how! please help me.
Solid Inspector is telling you there are a number of internal faces and edges. It doesn’t know what you want to do with them so you have to make the decision.
Open the group for editing and hide the top and bottom faces to get them out of the way.
Then decide what you need to get rid of. I’m not entirely sure of what you are really after so I can’t make the decision for you. Are you expecting to leave voids in this part for the other part or is it all supposed to get printed as one unit?
Thanks, its supossed to print as one unit, is a zipper that also you can use like a whistle.
so i have to make that part open on the back and the entrance on the front. Have to be togeter,
Does this look like what you want? I removed all the interior faces and edges in the main group. In fact I just redrew the shell using one of the flat faces and a profile from the rounded portion. I had to draw an edge to create the other flat face, remove interior faces and, still I had to use solidsolver to make it solid. Your group had many holes and it had loose edges and faces inside.
Still in the model you have a face in the middle of everything (not in a group and excess loose edges. You won’t want these to print.
I don’t see a whistle function. You may want some help by sharing the original concept.