Help! Can't install Roundcorner

I’m fairly new to Sketchup Make and have just started using plugins. I installed Ariel Vision with no issues but for some reason when I try to install LibFredo and Roundcorner, no toolbar appears in Sketchup.

I tried restarting the program, rebooting my computer, and re-installing it 4 times. I’ve watched tutorials on how to install plugins. I’m out of ideas about how to get it to install properly and don’t know any savvy Sketchup plugin users who can help me troubleshoot. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

(1) Verify the library and extension are checked to load at startup in the Extensions panel of the Preferences dialog.

(2) If they are loaded, check to see if you need to check the toolbar, in the View > Toolbars… dialog to turn on the “Round Corner” toolbar (if there is one.)

could it be because libfredo isn’t installed?

I do not know if libfredo is pre-req for Roundcorner on top of my head.

No. That’s not entirely correct. Round Corner is not available in the Extension Warehouse.

DaveR is correct on that last statement.