Round Corner Plug in not showing options

Having a little issue with round corner extension.
It doesn’t show options on the menus.
It is working fine and every option is “clickable” and working just not appearing on screen.

Try > Close SketchUp. Restart SketchUp.

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Thanks @mihai.s I have tried that and remove the plug in and install it back on SU.
Nothing seems to work.

Looks more like a graphic card driver issue, have you checked the Nvidia site for an update?

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Try to install LibFredo6 first, then after restarting Sketchup install RoundCorner, then restart SU again.

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I had the same problem (with all the fredo plugins that I use), but it was sporadic, if I closed SketchUp and reopened it, it would be normal again, but then a while later, when I reopened SketchUp again, the problem was back. I have updated to the newest version of libfredo (13.5a) and the problem seems to have gone away, and everything is working fine now.

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Thanks @tenSUser that worked.