Has anybody seen this Skalp error message before?

I get this error message when I launch SketchUp, did what it said to do, but cant locate the user/library/application folder on my new/old mac? could use some help



edited your title to see if @Guy or a scalp user can help…

seems like a partial instal to me…


Thanks John


Were you aware that your personal Library folder is hidden by default? If not, that is no doubt why you couldn’t find it to do the fixup stated in the error message. You can get there via Finder->Go->Go To Folder and typing

~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2017/SketchUp/Plugins/Skalp_Skalp/rgloader

Note that I agree with John that I would have expected Skalp to install the required loader itself during Skalp’s install. You might contact the Skalp authors to get their take on why this has happened.

This error occurs if you copy a Skalp license from one computer to an other computer. On a new computer you need to reactivate your Skalp license on a new computer. Don’t forget to first deactivate your license on the old one. If you can’t deactivate because you are no longer in possession of this computer please contact support@skalp4sketchup.com and we manual deactivate your license.

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