Group into group object selection

for model handling purposes i make group into group 3-4 group layer,but for any selection most inner group object i need to click 7-8 times ,it there extension to select object to select directly inside 2-3 layer group object, or any solution…?

Use Outliner to get directly into the bottom level group.

Or maybe you are going a little overboard with the nesting.

Which version of Sketchup are you using? Please complete your profile.

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sketchup 2019, thanks for suggestion

You’re welcome.

Thanks for adding 2019 to your profile. There is no 2019 Make, though.

but problem is my project is large, its contain to much group and component, so its difficult to find out and handle group by outliner

Sounds like you need to develop the habit of giving your groups and components useful names so they can be identified in Outliner. Also get into using tags to control visibility so you can get objects you don’t need to see out of your way.

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You can use Curic Dio2


In SketchUp Make 2017 I have problems with the extension (SketchUp freezing), but in SketchUp Pro 2019, 2020, 2021 it works correctly.


:sweat: but its paid plug not free… :frowning_face: