Grey bands at top and bottom of viewport frame - how do i get rif of them?

Hi. My model views have grey bands in on the top and bottom of the bounding box. What is this and how do I fix it? They are still there when I export as PDF.

CI2256-CI2256-Y-DR-0001 r03.pdf (376.2 KB)
CI2256-CI2256-Y-DR-0001 r03.layout (6.4 MB)

So it turns out they change width depending on the propotions of the viewport, and they flor from horizontal to vertical depending on the aspect ratio.

hello, it looks like vray safe frame, disactivate it in vray asset editor > settings > render output (in sketchup)

save model and update in layout

Go to Tools>Advanced Camera Tools and click on Reset Casmera. Then update the scene. Before you do that, turn on all Properties to save for the scenes.

After you’ve updated the SketchUp model and saved the changes, go into LayOut, select each viewport and reset the Camera properties back to match the scene’s properties. Then update the reference.

I went ahead and fixed the scenes in the SketchUp model to eliminate the gray bars from the Advanced Camera Tools. I also set the scenes up to save the scene properties. After that I fixed incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 7_24_2024 , 7_25_28 AM
All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged.

Right click on one of the viewports to open the SketchUp model. Note how I set up the scenes so the model is centered in the model window and in the case of the perspective and top views fills the model window.

When I fixed the LayOut file I reset the Camera in the SketchUp Model panel. Then in order to show what you show in your screen shot I only dragged the edges of the viewport. There’s no reason to be modifying the Camera properties for your viewports.

CI2256-CI2256-Y-DR-0001 r03 FIXED.layout (12.6 MB)

Edit to ask: How did you create the perforated panels on the bottom of the structure? There’s a lot of unneeded triangulation.

Cleanup reduced the edge count dramatically.
Screenshot - 7_24_2024 , 7_51_57 AM
It also prevents some graphic anomallies in LO and greatly reduced the file size in both SketchUp and LayOut.

Thanks both!

Normally I would have fiddled with properties but I was rushing for a deadline!

Was a bit suspicious because this was my first session in LO since upgrading to 2024…

@DaveR FYI this is imported from a colleague’s solidworks model, via Rhino, so SW>STEP export>Rhino>sketchup export

Just wanted to use the prettier section options to illustrate something for a subcontractor


Ah … That explains the triangulation. Wouldn’t hurt to run CleanUp3 after importing the file into SketchUp.