Trying to set location in a new model. The location only loads partially, and will not import. Sketchup window says it may take a while and be patient, but the program freezes.
I have already claimed ownership of the model, and logged in and out.
Any time a tile isn’t filled in you will get an error. Sometimes the missing tiles shows that way for everyone because of a problem with the image provider, but we know from previous times that even though me or Dave can see the tiles, you need not see them.
If you still have 2018 around it would be interesting to see if that is missing the same tiles. 2018 and 2019 have different folders for caching, if both fail it’s more likely to be a network issue.
Try going back to a lower zoom, then 18X again, and see if that is enough for the tiles to fill in.
I cleare my cache.
Geo LocateStill won’t load.
I got your .skp file, and will drop it in the model, Thanks.
Would still like to use the feature…
So I wonder what changed on your computer. Did you try right clicking on one of the blank tiles to see if there are any error type messages in the Dev Tools?