Friends cannot open a sketchup file

Yes, its skp.

i have an idea now, maybe they have more sketchup versions installed and when they doubleclick the systems try to open with older version.
i check this out…

It may not help this problem but it won’t hurt anything. Have them quit SketchUp 2023 and find the installer file in their downloads. Or have them download it again from Download All | SketchUp Then have them right click on the installer file, choose Run as administrator, and then, if it is presented, choose Repair.

Maybe but they should just get a message indicating that it was made with a newer version.

Many email programs can mess up attachments. Try using a dropbox link or similar to test.

can sections cause that sort of troubles?

Yes. And I did mention that.

  1. To check if it’s not a mail service just zip your file (and a couple of those that could not be openend either) and send again to those friends. Let us know if the problem remains.
  2. To check if it’s not section causing problems make 2 variants of model. 1 with section and second without. Name them accordingly and let your friends check (better if they stay zipped)
  3. Ask your friends to switch off all the plugins as the last resort. (Any specific ones you use?)

Short for Abonnement, subscription in German.


finally we made some tests with different sketchup models - and we found the mistake - it´s sending the files by email.
For some guys this doesn´t work, (but for some guys it doesn´t matter and they can open the files normally,…)
But thanks for your help and support!

Thanks for the update.

So what happens if you share the files via Trimble Connect?

the guys are not so motivated right now to try this, but it would be much more easier i think.
We will try (when i can motivate them to use trimble connect…)

Well, there is the old adage, “You can lead a horse to water …”

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the adage is old than me - i feel it´s getting more and more difficult for me in order not to left behind regarding new technologies and software.

Hopefully my son will take care of this in 7 / 8 years, and i can go climbing again as i did when i was 20 years old…


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