Fredo ThruPaint screwed up all of the edge colors in my model - please help!

Hi! I just purchased the Fredo6 Thrupaint extension and was excited to easily paint some tile faces in the model I’m working on for a client… but somehow after attempting to use the tool few times, many of the edges in my model have now either disappeared or turned different colors. And to make matters worse, I stupidly saved my model, so I can’t hit undo.

I just want all of my edges to be black again… can someone please help me? I wanted to save time and now I’m afraid I’ve added a whole day’s worth of work just to get things back to how they were before.

I’m attaching a photo of what it looks like now, and what it looked like before.

Thank you!

Share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve got to work with.

I actually just re-opened my model and now all of the lines are black again!! SUCH a relief! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

Question while I have you though… when using Thrupaint, is there an easy way to toggle between colors that are in my saved paint bucket palette? I can’t figure out how to easily switch between colors, other than using the eyedropper tool and grabbing a color already in the model (I’m on a Mac, if that matters). Thank you!!

In the UI select the appropriate source for the materials.
Screenshot - 7_12_2024 , 8_19_29 PM

Screenshot - 7_12_2024 , 8_20_47 PM

When I click “In Model” nothing happens…

What happens if you click on SketchUp Materials? This is what I see on Windows.
Screenshot - 7_12_2024 , 8_33_07 PM

When I click on Sketchup Materials, it does give me access to those materials… but how do I save certain custom colors to my Sketchup Materials folders under a name so that I can easily find them? I only have them in my saved paint bucket color palette… they’re not textures or anything.

If you have a set of custom colors in your Colors in Model, you can create a collection without an extension. Simply go to the Colors in Model in your Colora panel, click on Duplicate, and give the collection a name. It’ll then be available in the dropdown list of material collections.

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I’m guessing the style has been changed to show the color of edges instead of all as black.
Edit the style in SketchUp and change edges to “all the same”

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I saw the same thing Kristi reported on my PC. The style was not changed to By Material. When I exited Thru Paint however,the edges reverted back to black.


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