Following a line

I’m a beginner. Attached is a screen shot of a cabinet door I’m working on. Note the center slat. I’d like the top of it to follow the curve of the piece above it. How do I isolate the extraneous part and delete it.?

Use the “Intersect With” function (on the right-click context menu) as the main tool involved.

Are the various parts of the door separate groups or (better) components? If so, I think an approach would be to use the Copy function to put a copy of the top rail onto the clipboard. Then open the center slat group/component’s context for editing (such as by double-clicking on the slat).

Use the “Paste in Place” function (Edit menu) to put a temporary copy of the upper rail into the context of the center slat. Because the upper rail is its own group/component (I hope!) the respective geometries will not merge with each other (because your goal is to chop the slat at the boundary, merging would probably not be a bad thing, but normally it’s to be avoided). Now select everything and choose “Intersect With > Context” from the right-click context menu. This should form new edges and sub-faces where the parts overlap. Select and delete the temporary copy of the upper fail. Finally, select and delete the overlapped bits of the slat, to clean it up.

You may find some of the new faces (formed by the intersection) to be reversed - showing their back side out. To see them somewhat clearly, on the View menu use the Faces sub-menu to choose Monochrome. The front side of each face will appear in white. The back side of each face, when visible, will appear in blue. You can right-click on a face and use the “Reverse Face” (not sure if that is the exact spelling) function to flip any reversed faces.

To check the health of the result, close the editing context (by clicking outside the boundaries of the slat’s group or component, with the Select tool active) and then select the slat. The Entity Info window (viewable via the Window menu) should show the object as a “Solid Group” or “Solid Component”. If the word “Solid” is not shown, it means there is a stray edge remaining or a missing face or something similar.

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In addition to @TDahl 's recommendations, on simple geometry pieces such as your example, you can also trace the visual intersection to separate the board surface. Once they are two separate surfaces, you can pushpull them down to intersect faces which will delete the piece.



I notice the OP is using SketchUp Free (according to the profile.)

In response to the perfectly fine

How would you do this in SketchUp Free, I can’t seem to find a way to do that, unless I’m missing something.

Right click, paste in place with this icon:



Aha yes, thankyou. I’ve just started having a little poke around with the SketchUp Free, (so I’m a bit of a noob as the kids would say). Being so used to custom shortcuts it feels like a different world. especially with the different interface. I thought surely “paste in place” hasn’t been left out it’s such an often used command.

Edit: How I even missed that is beyond me, I must have been half asleep.

@ChrisDizon This is exactly the issue I have posted about in another thread trying to bring it to the attention of the Sketchup Team.
You should be able to use intersect faces with model to create the edge for you. It works with solid tools and with raw geometry but not Intersect with Model. As you can see in my gif if you make the face pass through another face it works , but not when the faces are planar.


Thanks everyone. I started trying to do the various things mentioned, then realized I’d just started out wrong. It was easy to draw the shape in place with the Line tool, then pull it out to thickness. I was going at it the wrong way around.

Not necessarily the “wrong” way, just another way. When I was studying physics, they said it was always reassuring to have more than one way to come round to the same calculation. A great application is one where you have more than one way get to the results you want.

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…now for the joinery!

The joinery shouldn’t be difficult to add. With a little forethought…

Make the stile only as thick as the tenons. Draw it so it’s the total length including tenons top and bottom.

Open the stile component for editing and use Intersect Faces>With Model. This sidesteps the issue Box brought up about coplanar face intersections, too.

Use Push/Pull to increase the thickness of the stile to it’s final thickness leaving the tenons at each end.

Assuming there’s be grooves for panels or glass lights, those can be added with Push/Pull.


yeah. drawing it and doing it are two different things. I don’t like arched top doors for that reason. But that’s a different topic.

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