This is a wire fram model for a part I am going to 3d print. Basically, I am trying to make this a solid 3/16" diameter along the entire path. If I start on the obvious end, I get the attached image. I can’t even start the Follow Me if I try it at the other end in the small break in the loop. I am very new to Sketchup Pro so probably just a simple newbie error. I am attaching the frameHook 4a.skp (106.7 KB)
It looks like you did get the straight edge to snap to a point on the arc but it wasn’t the end point. A big thing that will help is to turn off Length Snapping in Window>Model Info>Units. For small stuff like this, Architectural units really aren’t appropriate.
Since you are planning to 3D print this, find out if your slicer application allows you to select the units when you import the .stl file. If it does, set your units to meters and treat them like inches or millimeters. So for your desired hook wire diameter you would draw a circle with a radius of 0.09375 meters.
.stl files are unitless so when you import the file into the slicer you tell it that the units are inches and that 0.09375 radius becomes 3/32".
Good work. Working in meters will help you avoid the tiny face issue when you get into more complex models. The other thing you want to make sure of is that you get face orientation correct. The blue indicates you have the back sides of the faces exposed. The back side is where the printing media is supposed to be. You could select the geometry of the hook, right click on it and choose Reverse Faces so you have the white front faces on the outside.
Back to the tiny faces thing. The parts of model shown below are all 3D printable but modeling it in inches wouldn’t have made that possible. I modeled in meters as if they were inches and the parts were all easily solid and manifold with no screwing around fixing missing faces…
The learning curve is there but with a clear route, the curve isn’t especially steep or difficult. Like anything else, it’s good start with the basics and go from there.
I took a 12 hour two day introductory course from on Monday and Tuesday from AGI Training which was very good. I learned a lot but it was an introductory course. I will do private training for follow on requirements as a lot of the intermediate course is focused on architectural uses, which I don’t need.
Sketchup is a fun product and overall well designed, which I appreciate.