Hi, I have created this 3D bench using Curviloft and before finishing and saving the plugin crashed, after reinstalling it I couldn’t connect the last 2 parts in the middle, I don’t know what’s wrong with the plugin or maybe its sketchup problem ? any advice would be appreciated for how to fill the gaps!
Make a face in each of the adjoining components (at the end with the missing section). Copy in place to a new component. draw a line (could be a curve) between the two, and use CurviLoft Loft along path (left blue here for illustration).
Hi, could you show me how you did the faces? did you explode first or just draw on points? and the Curviloft plugin still not working for me, I don’t know what’s happing I tried to uninstall and reinstall but still wont work, and for last part “flat bottom” I didn’t get it, sorry but its been along time since I used sketchUp
As for the flat bottom. I was just noting that it there was no distortion there—whereas if you wanted to use a curve maybe it would not work.
Did you try "loft along path”
For the faces. I edited a group and drew an edge so that a face was formed. I copied the face, exited the group. and chose “paste in place command. I made a group of the face. I did the same with the opposite group to get a face, but I pasted (in place) directly into the group I just made. Then, editing the group I drew an edge between the two faces and used Curviloft - loft along path.