Unfortunately if you can’t download the file to your computer and you can’t save it to your Trimble Connect account, you may have to go back to the file before you made all those changes.
when i press download, it says failed to save file but then opens it on my browser.
it opens this file:///C:/Users/robbi/Dropbox/My%20PC%20(DESKTOP-NBMKOKV)/Downloads/open%20floor%20%20(1).skp im not sure if you can access that.
when i go on it it is just a blank white page.
When you press download where?
And no, I can’t access that path. It’s on your computer.
from the dropdown menu on sketchup
Can you change the save location to your My Documents instead?
how do i do that
When you click the download thing it should give you an option to choose where you want to download to.
What browser are you using?
Maybe you’d be time ahead if you just get the file I shared with you back on Feb 21 and start over.
im using opera, but i think it might be running through chrome still. i can upgrade now, what is the studio for students one? would that be good?
If you have Sketchup open in Opera, you’re using Opera. Open Sketchup in Chrome.
Look at Studio under professional. If you’re a student and have the appropriate credentials you might be able to get the Studio for Students license. You’ll have to investigate that on the site.
i think i will just upgrade and start again from last time it saved. the studio for students is only 55 a year whereas the pro version is 200, what do i need to be able to use the student one? do i just buy it?
You need to go through the process. Go to the website. You’ll need some sort of student credentials–e-mail address, etc. It’s not enough to just say you’re a student.
i have my school email address, but do they ask for verification from a teacher or anything? because im not sure i could get that
I don’t know what they’ll ask for. You’ll need to go to the site and try to buy it. I haven’t qualified for a student license since before SketchUp was first released.
its asking for academic proof, but i have no idea what that means. im in year 11, so i dont think i actually qualify for it yet.
Probably not. I believe that would be for university students.
yeah i am upgrading to the pro version now.
i have the pro version now, but with the new ui, how do i recover my materials?
From the file I uploaded? Go to View>Face Style and select Shaded with Textures.
It would be a good idea to go through the SketchUp Fundamentals at learn.sketchup.com
ive saved it in my documents now from pro, but it still opens it in my browser when i press on it
Assuming you’ve actually installed SketchUp Pro, open that and then go to File>Open and choose the model file to open it.