ive developed a model in sketchup, but it wont save it.whenever i press save, it just says saving… but then freezes and shortly after says failed to save. i tried closing it but as i thought, when i returned, all my new work was gone again.
That’s not where you should be looking for purging unused on the web version. Go into the Components panel, select the In Model collection and click the Purge button at the bottom. Repeat for Materials.
i meant that i made the model smaller because i thought it would make the file smaller but it might not work like that. id be happy to share the file but its completely frozen.
What do you mean by making the model smaller? Using the Scale tool?
At this point, I guess I would quit out of SketchUp and open it again to download it or go directly to your Trimble Connect account and download it from there.
It’s too big to load into the forum directly (max file size currently about 15MB). Upload it to a file sharing service like Dropbox, OneDrive or WeTransfer, and share a link in your next post.