Hello. Me and my colleagues are now having the same issue. We are using sketchup 8 on a MAC platform and we cannot save any sketchup files either on our server or our desktop. We used to be able to save normally and suddenly we were not able any more. We contacted IT support for our organisation and they are also struggling to determine what is causing this issue. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
Open up /Applications/Utilities/Console.app and search the logs (All) for SketchUp. If you find the word “save” in any of them, what does it say? Can you save to 3dwarehouse or Dropbox or Google Drive?
hi thanks for answer. I opened utilities and searched all the logs for sketchup. no logs have the word save. I tried to save to dropbox 3dwarehouse and no luck
So as we pursued earlier with others: can you save from TextEdit or other apps? Where are you saving? Are you launching locally or from the network? Are you in an Apple Store? Even there they’d let you save.
Have you repaired permissions recently on the machine? If not open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility, select your hard drive, select the First Aid tab, and click the button “Repair Disk Permissions”.
Thanks for your answer. I can save from any application or software like photoshop illustrator word…the only one not letting me saving is SKETCHUP…I tried locally and from a network . nothing is working still getting the same message all the time
Did you run Disk Utility to repair permissions?
hi. Yes I did and nothing changed .
This problem has just happened to me now. Out of no where it just can’t save anything anywhere. No 3D exports or any sketchup saves produce a file. Other programs are fine and my autosave from 30 minutes ago is fine.
What is going on???
Windows 8.1 Pro. Sketchup Pro 2015 (v15.3.331 64 bit)
Check to be sure no AV has sandboxed SketchUp. (Ie it should be marked as a trusted application, and you should be running it as an Administrator. Right-click the icon, choose Properties, … find and check the box to “Run as Administrator”.)
if the file is < 50 MB, you can upload to 3dwarehouse and make private if you wish. Trimble Connect is another option.
I have this issue as well, possibly only since updating to Windows 10. No fix, but a simple (if annoying) workaround. Save the drawing, close and reopen it, then I can save 2D graphic (to the original location it previously failed). Its a sporadic problem too, it’ll allow me to save 2D graphic for a while, then suddenly stop…
Hello everyone-
So it appears that I’m having similar issues. The file I’m working on pops up a window about every 10 min, “failed to save file”. I tried “save as” to refreshen the file and that worked. I still get the “failed to save file” window popping up. Also, I tried to export a 2D graphic (DWG/ DXF) to the same folder and no DWG/DXF file was generated - anywhere.
I’m running SU Pro 2016 on a mac, running OS X (10.10.5)
Thank you for your time in advance.
Do you have full read/write permissions set to that folder [for yourself and for all users] ?
Also is that folder on the same drive as the SketchUp application ?
Where can I verify if I have full read/ write permission?
It’s a folder on my desktop. Same drive as the application, yes.
Just did “file info” on the folder and yes, I do have read/ write permission. So, SU is not exporting DWG/DXF’s and is not creating back up files, hence the “failed to save file” window.
Anyone’s help is greatly appreciated.
The periodic “failed to save file” is probably from autosave, since SketchUp otherwise doesn’t save a file until you tell it to. You can prove this by turning off autosave in preferences. If the messages cease, that’s your culprit.
Your profile says you are on Mac. The autosave files on Mac are kept in
~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Autosave/
Note the leading ~ designating your home folder, NOT the system-level /Library. Also, Finder hides ~/Library by default so you may need to use Finder’s GO To Folder to see it.
That folder should exist and you should have write permission for it. I suppose it’s possible if there is already an autosave file there for the current model and something has gone amuck that might prevent SketchUp from creating another - hence the error.
I can’t explain the failure to create a dwg/dxf, but it seems more likely to be operator error. Can you upload the file that is causing the issue? Then someone here could try the export and see if they reproduce your problem.
Hi there Steve-
So, for some odd reason I am able to export DWG/DXF’s onto my desktop, NOT in the folder (which is on the desktop). I tried to upload the file, but its too big. I’ll continue on this route for now as I’m currently at work and this NEEDS to be done ASAP. Thank you for your prompt response. I’m new to this SU forum, but I’m really appreciating the quick feedback I’ve been getting.
Thank you all!
What is the folder called?
Hi Dave-
This is the folder. Looking at it now, I wonder if it has anything to do with the slash in the name of the folder…?
Changing the name now to see if that might be the prob.
Having the slash in the name WAS the issue. DWG/ DXF’s are exporting into it just fine now!