My sketchup file was getting heavy. So I purged it and when it started rendering the file closed. After that whenever i try to open it says failed to open error. The file is too big to upload here.
Upload the file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.
What version of SketchUp are you using? There is no Classic license for SketchUp 2024.
Sorry just cross checked. Mine is Sketchup Pro 2024
Please correct your forum profile.
Is there a way to recover the uploaded file?
There’s a large chunk of missing data. It might be that @colin has tools to recover the file but I wouldn’t hold my breath. There should be a .skb backup copy. Can you share that?
Where have you been saving the file while you’ve been working on it? Were you also saving a backup to your Trimble Connect storage?
Here is the backup file but it is larger because the skp file is the one after i purged. Unfortunately I am reading about trimble connect only now. So I have been saving in my Local Disk.
That file appears to be missing more data than the .skp file. I guess at this point hope that Colin can help but if you need the model it would probably make sense to get started on rebuilding it. Save it locally but also save it to Trimble Connect so you have multiple copies.
okay. Thank you for trying