I am constantly getting the “failed to open document” error message and my files are becoming corrupted.
At first I thought this was because I was saving to cloud storage, but I am now saving locally on my pc and experiencing the same issues. I have loads of storage on my pc, so that’s not the issue.
I’m having to save multiple files and often losing a full day’s work that I’m having to redo.
Another error message I receive is that the model “failed integrity checks”.
I have used some existing models from the 3D Warehouse, although I have never had this issue before when I have used them? How on earth do I know which models in the 3D Warehouse pass the integrity checks and which don’t?
Could it be something to do the model originating as a .dwg file?
I have a PRO Subscription that I purchased from a licensed distributor. I have the latest version installed.
Working directly from the cloud is indeed a bad idea since it seems to be the major cause for corrupted files. Off course you can upload to the cloud after working from and saving to your internal drive…
Files from the 3D Warehouse are best opened in a separate instance of SketchUp so you can examine them for suitability.
Lots of 3D Warehouse models are poorly made and should be corrected or rejected before inserting them in your model.
Look for the following things:
More detail than needed for your model.
Textures with way to high resolution.
All edges and faces should be untagged.
Tags you don’t need or want. (If you delete tags, make sure you untag all edges and faces after that!)
Thank you, this information is helpful to know. I discovered this morning that the alternate folder that I was saving to is also being backed up to cloud storage, so I have copied all files over to my c:drive. I’m hoping that this will help to resolve the issue.
I have managed to recover the file so I will be in touch with @colin, @DaveR or @ateliernab if I require further assistance. Thanks so much for your response!
I cannot open my file or the backup file due to “integrity checks”. I’m not sure what the issue is and would really appreciate some help with this.
I am no longer saving to the cloud, so not getting the “fail to open document” message any more, just the “failing integrity check” message. I have lost hours of work.
Please let me know if one of you can help and where I need to share the file to? Thanks in advance.
Assuming the file is too large to upload directly, upload it to DropBox and share the link. If you don’t want to make it public, send the link in a private message by clicking on my name and then “Message”.