Failed to Open document - Can someone help?

Hi, I am a 17 year old student studying tech design. I have been using Sketchup for the last 2 years. I am working for an architect and have a file that says “failed to open document”. I have tried everything to recover the file and I am not sure what I am doing wrong - can anyone please take a look?

Lombardi Residence 3D Model.skp (4.5 MB)

I cant open it and get the same error message. Is there a SKB file with the same name? if so send that file, or change the name and try to open it.

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Were you saving the file to an external or synced location such as the cloud, DropBox, or a network server? For reasons that have never been fully diagnosed, those sorts of locations sometimes glitch during a SketchUp file save, leading to a damaged unreadable file - even when other apps have no problem and even if SketchUp hasn’t failed before. So, the advice is to save only to your local disc and upload or sync later.

Sometimes @colin can recover parts of the file, typically component definitions, but rarely can a damaged skp be completely healed.

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I get errors when trying to recover anything. I’ve asked a developer to take a look at the file.

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Thank you for being so helpful everyone. My teacher tried today and couldn’t do anything. Thanks, @colin for reaching out to the developers. It was a 12-hour project.

I did hear from the developer. Alas, the file is corrupted in a way that means he couldn’t recover anything. Did you find a backup file like Mike was suggesting?

Thanks for trying with the developer. I can’t upload the back up for some reason but here is a link:

That one has problems as well.

Thanks for letting me know. I guess I am going to have to redraw everything.

Are you using SketchUp for Schools as indicated in your profile?

I used SketchUp 2021 desktop version to create this.

Please correct your forum profile.

Ok - I just did.

I get “Access Denied” when I try your link. If you want assistance you have to make the file available.

Your profile says you are using “Free Plan” 2023. Does that mean you are using a cracked version of SketchUp?

yes for the file which i was working on

Yes what? You’re using a cracked version of SketchUp?

can u please help me out in opening the file.

Since you’re using a cracked version of SketchUp, no.

Using cracked software is illegal. Get a legitimate subscription to SketchUp.

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