This is a very frustrating problem that I encounter very occasionally. I realize the source of the problem and I only build outside of groups when I’m doing quick concept drawings but nevertheless I would like to know if anyone has a relatively quick and easy way to fix this. Currently, despite rebuilding the face and checking all edges, I am generally stuck rebuilding the entire section of wall or model that is causing the issue. It’s a bit hard to explain so I have attached a picture showing the issue.
Share the actual .skp file. The fact that there are profile edges around the rectangle indicates that the rectangle does not divide the larger face of the wall. Either the rectangle is grouped separately from the wall or it is not actually drawn on the face of the wall.
If the wall had been modeled correctly and the rectangle had been drawn on the face, the X-value in all of those coordinates would be identical.
Push/Pull extrudes perpendicular to the initial face. It won’t cut the opening on the opposite side when you extrude because not all edges of the face being extruded will intersect. If you run Intersect Faces you can delete that
You have Length Snapping enabled which leads to imprecise modeling. I think we’ve covered this before. You should turn off Length Snapping in your default template.
Also, how did you create this wall? why is the opposite side reversed? It shouldn’t be blue, it should be white.
Got it, thanks. Not sure how the axis got switched as this model is part of a much larger model where everything works great. Any tips on how to straighten the axis accurately to 0 degrees? As far as the length snapping, I’m not sure what length snapping is and don’t have have any recollection of enabling it. Whatever the case, I’ll look into disabling it and see if that improves things. The wall is blue on the one side due to a ctr+push/pull.
I didn’t say the axes got switched. Only that your wall is drawn OFF axis.
If the axes aren’t correctly aligned in their default position you can right click on one of them and choose Reset. That option is grayed out in the model you shared so the axes are already in their default orientation in that file, anyway. You sent the file with the axes turned off. It would probably help your modeling if you leave them visible.
Length Snapping makes the drawing and modification tools (Move, Push/Pull, etc.) snap to some increment as set in the Units panel. You didn’t enable Length Snapping. Some shipped templates already have Length Snapping enabled. The thing you should do is create your own template with LKength Snapping turned OFF.
Well, you should fix that before moving on. There should be no visible back faces when your model is 3D.
Ok so in this case, the axis is fine but the wall was drawn off axis which is also strange as I always use arrows to lock in direction when modeling faces.
Since I wasn’t there to watch you working, I can’t say exactly what you might have done to get the slight distortion. Have Length Snapping turned on has been problematic for many users when trying to model with precision. I expect that’s at least part of the issue for you. It is entirely possible to make very precise models in SketchUp and it isn’t really very difficult but you do have to stay on top of things just like with anything else.