Extension Warehouse Apache Error

I have a problem with downloading any extension anymore from the warehouse.

Following code occurs: AJAX HTTP error code 200.

What can I do?

Open IE on PC or Safari on Mac: can you download from https://extensions.sketchup.com/ ? We’ll check if we’ve ever seen this, but as a workaround, download from a browser and then install in SketchUp.

Did it just start happening recently, or have you never been able to get an extension?

If you visit in another browser, does it do the same thing?


Hello Barry,

Thanks for your quick response.

Well, the method indirectly downloading with sketchucation, and then
importing via windows - preferences - extensions indeed works allright.

Could the problem possible related to this TT_lib extension below? It’s
popping up when I start SU.

Strange thing is, using the big download button, I also get the same error
AJAX message.

And when I try to click on the cross at the right top side, SU is directly
complety disappearing.
So I have to restart the complete SU again.

This means that I am stocked for the rest of my life witch this popupmenu.
Only thing I can do is making it small every time starting sketchup.

I hope you can give some way out of this kind of my SU life :slight_smile:


Van: Barry [mailto:sketchup@discoursemail.com]
Verzonden: vrijdag 21 oktober 2016 16:24
Aan: bosvariant@kpnmail.nl
Onderwerp: [SketchUp Forum] [SketchUp/Technical Problems] Extension
warehouse Apache error

om/barry/45/1204_1.png> Barry
http://forums.sketchup.com/users/barry SketchUp Team Member
October 21

Open IE on PC or Safari on Mac: can you download from
https://extensions.sketchup.com/ ? We’ll check if we’ve ever seen this, but
as a workaround, download from a browser and then install in SketchUp.

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I doubt that the TTLib message has anything to do with the AJAX error. TTLib is ThomThom’s base library of functions. It must be loaded separately if you want to use any of his Tools. It is available at SketchUcation or the EW.

I’m too am getting this error today in SketchUp Make 2016. Specifically with TT’s Architect Tools, although the STL extension installed fine.

Can you try logging out of SketchUp’s websites entirely and then log back in? Use the “headshot” icon in the bottom lefthand corner of the main screen, and this will expire the Extension Warehouse session.

Does it do the same thing inside of an external web browser when you visit the site to download an extension?

Second attempt with Architect Tools installed fine - the only thing here is the cheeldren are watching Netflix which strains my bandwidth…

Who are you talking to?

Well, Nick that really was a good advice. Just log out and in again. Now it’s loading fine.

Funny thing is that yeasterday I closed SU on my PC many times and reopened again. But that was totally not succesfull.

Well, Nick however you are half a sleep, your tip really was a wake up call!!

Thanks very much!

Willem Bos from the Netherlands

And also my thanks to Barry!