Exporting 2D .dwg file crashes AutoCAD

My typical work method has been to export 2D .dwg files from SKP to then use in AutoCAD as reference. Now, once I open the exported .dwg file, my AutoCAD freezes (black screen,) and I have to force quit the program. This happens even if it’s a new SKP file with simple geometry. Also happens if I try and XREF the file into my AutoCAD file. Has anyone experienced this problem?

I created three .DWG files with three different programs. Try to open them one by one in Autocad and see if it still freezes.

It’s a simple 2D drawing

Are you using multiple screens? Which version of AutoCad?

My first instinct would say that the AutoCad alert box that says the file was not created in AutoCad is opening off-screen or behind other windows.

If you are using an old version of AutoCad check that the file format you are exporting from SketchUp is compatible with your AutoCad. (When was AutoCad Mac last updated?)

Post an example DWG file that you have exported.

Hi Mihai.s, thanks for your help. I was able to open all three files that you provided. Though the test-02_2D-cad.dwg exported from Nano gave me a warning box that there were SHX files missing. But all opened.

Well, I just tried exporting my SKP file as each version of .dwg offered (2000,2004,2007,) and when I save it as CAD 2018 I’m able to open it in AutoCAD without a hitch! So thank you, your response helped lead me to the resolution. I appreciate your time and help!

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