You can use the upload button at the top of the window there you type your message (upward pointing arrow) or you can just drag and drop the file into your reply.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for taking a look at that for me. Yes it does export as a DWG now, the only thing is when I opened it in Rhino the scale has completely change, like maybe 100 times smaller. I can rescale but I will need to be able to send to the client and an architect at the correct scale in future. Any idea what caused that?
And yes I did drew most of that on SKP pro 2021 but i imported from the warehouse the bridge model which seems to have caused some additional problems along the way…
I really must spend some time learning to organise my drawings better soon! Could I ask how you purged the unwanted stuff? is it automatic or is it something that requires some knowledge??
Thanks for taking the time on a crude drawing!!! Appreciate it!
Oh and by the way, does the distance from the origin have a big effect on the file in general? or it’s just bad practice? The position actually correlates to a position on a larger cad plan of a whole building and i’ve been jumping between the 2 formats when I’m designing. it’s messy but it kind of works for what I’m trying to do. Should I position close to the origin and then reposition when it has to go back to the cad file?
I’m sure there’s a better way to be doing it but I’ve been drawing models in Rhino and then bringing them into sketch to add warehouse elements, texture etc. It’s also easier for the client to guide themselves around a skp model than cad. It is a pain moving models backwards and forwards like this though!
Sorry. I changed the units to meters in SketchUp to make the coordinates in the label easier to understand. Here I’ve changed the units back to millimeters. v4 (13.2 MB)
That would explain it. Maybe you started with the bridge which came with the style?
Definitely would be a worthwhile thing.
It’s not automatic. That could be a bad thing if it was. I use a plugin to do it because it creates the report I showed. You can do it without a plugin by going to Window>Model Info>Statistics and clicking on Purge Unused. It’s important to clean up your models periodically. Components, materials will remain In Model even if you delete them from the model space. That can be useful but it can also create issues for you down the road. In your model purging unused stuff only reduced the file size by about 14% but I’ve seen models where purge reduced the file size by 97% and more.
Another thing to get a handle on is correct tag usage. ALL edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only components and groups should get tags.
It can create problems. Especially when the distance gets to be huge. Yours isn’t at a really huge distance but in general keeping the model close to the origin is a better practice. I’m not sure why your model is rotated in the model space but it’s also usually better to create the model aligned to the axes or, in the case of a geo-located model, rotate the axes to suit. That makes your modeling process much easier because you can leverage inferencing better.
I guess I would be doing it all in SketchUp so there’s no going back and forth and worrying about translation problems.
Brilliant. Thanks for the lesson, I appreciate it! That makes a bit more sense now. I’ve been away from sketch up for a while and just realised that layers has changed it’s name, that was confusing me!
-All designs, sketches and illustrations remain the intellectual property
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