Can't export to DWG/DXF

Hello dear sketchup community,

im in desperate need of your help!

For the love of god i cant export this file: FERTIG.skp - Google Drive

to dwg/dxf as a 3d model. Everytime i try the export myself the programm completely crashes.

I would really appreciate it if a) someone could help me fix this problem or b) export it for me

best regards from a frustrated student

Try this:

I fixed the incorrect tag usage. ALL edges and faces should be untagged.
Screenshot - 6_17_2021 , 7_50_10 PM

I purged unused stuff from the model. This resulted in slightly more than an 80% file size reduction. Interestingly all of the components in the model are unused. Your entire model is loose geometry which will create problems for you when you need to modify things.
Screenshot - 6_17_2021 , 7_50_32 PM

There’s lots of stray hidden geometry which I cleaned up and for some reason your model is located at a great distance from the origin.

Most of the faces in your model are reversed. There should be no blue back faces exposed.

Hopefully the DXF file will do what you need.

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