Hi All,
Starting October of this year 2024, our students started difficulties in saving their work in goolgle skectup for schools. We are using the web-based version. When we click the Save button (google drive option) there is an error 'We're having an issue reaching Google Drive'. Please backup file. While you try that , we'll be working on this issue'. If we use the option, File - Save As, we have another error ' Unable to retieve data, please select "retry". After we click retry, it shows the same error. This is happening to more than half of the students on the same class. Probably 15 out of 25 students. This does not happen everyday and this only started to happen around october this year. We have never encountered this before.
Anyone can help as all teachers are frustrated.
Kind regards,
There are a number of others topics about this.
I believe it is a known problem and as far as I know they are working on a fix.
You can use the search function of the forum to read some other threads about this. Click on the magnifying glass in the top right of the screen and use for instance: “error saving google SketchUp for schools”
As a best practice, please have your students go settings and turn on the Autosave, I have it auto save at 2 or 3 minutes.
Hello everyone. this is my first time in the Forum, and I tried to do a simple search about saving errors for students, but didn’t find an exact match. This seemed the closest that I saw.
I teach SketchUp in some of my Industrial Arts classes to 7th grade students who are using the web-based version on Chromebooks.
The past few days, MANY of my students are experiencing problems with saving and/or opening saved files. When they try and save a new project they get an error message asking them to retry, but everytime they retry, they get the same message. Typically there is a “crying panda bear” with the message.
Many are losing their work because of this. I have had them log out and log back in, also turn off their chromebooks and restart them, and so on. Is there a known issue, or is there something else they should try? Thank you.
The default Autosave is set to 5 minutes, but the autosave doesn’t appear to work until they have manually saved it the first time.
The save is set to save in their Trimble account, not drive.
Please have your students save their new file before they start work, and set the autosave to 1 or 2 minutes.
What are you using?
SketchUp or app.sketchup.com/app
edu.sketchup should save to google drive or Microsoft onedrive depending on what school email you are using google or Microsoft.
app.sketchup will save to Trimble connect, this is not for schools.
It appears that we are using app.sketchup.com/app and have been for as long as I can remember. This is what our Tech Department has linked to our accounts and students sign in using Google with their school email.