I currently and have done for a while used Sketchup for Schools with our students.
Recently when they create a SketchUp file they are receiving the following error messages.
error - Sorry, it looks like we’re having some internal issues. Our team have been notified.
Save Failed - The save operation could not be completed. Please try again.
when trying again they get the same issue.
This is quite a large issue as we have GCSE students who rely on their software fore their course work.
Any help/advice?
Hi @AGraham. Thanks for the post. Thats an odd error to be getting. Everything seems to be working on our end at the moment and I am not seeing any reported outages around the time you posted. If you are still seeing the issue we should definitely look into it. Can you let me know if the error is still there?
Can you please send how do you get to the error step by step?
What browser, do you open files from drive or from within the application?
if you can send a video that will be even better.
Great, thank you.
Please change your workflow to start from here SketchUp , this should work for you.
We will investigate why there is an issue starting from the google drive.